POP Platform

Inmarsat POP for GX
Operating sata services across the many Inmarsat GX services demand a data POP that handle and apply firewall capabilities, routing herunder VPN connecvtivity, as well as offer end customers the ability to handle terminal firewall self care functionality. Inmarsat GX POP offer all required capabilities and the advanced Inmarsat GX terminal IP management are handled directly by Unity and IP’s replicated to POP.

Inmarsat I4 POP
Implementing an Inmarsat I4 POP to manage BGAN, FBB, GSPS, LINK, M2M, SBB, PTT demand a bit more functionality – as authentication of each single data session is needed – POP will assign IP addresses across public / internal – static / dynamic ranges. Our Inmarsat I4 POP deliver the markets most inexpensive POP that offer all the required capabilities – radius servers, firewalls, routing, logging…

4G / LTE Operator POP
Connecting directly to a traditional GSM operator network as military or as a vertual operator demand an own 4G/5G POP environment. Our POP environment are delivering this capability for a statellite operator as well as for any traditional GSM operator. Our POP deliver IMSI authentication and manage to assign IP addresses as well as handling radius accounting records to allow advanced services like data throttling.

Satellite POP
POP environment across basically any satellite service – Iridium Certus, Thuraya IP, Eutelsat, SES VSAT offer a lot of advantages for end customers. These network don’t require authentication but will be having big advantage in routing data traffic through a centralized POP setup.
This will offer firewall and VPN services across these satellite networks.