Our POP environment are today running some of the biggest satellite customers in the world, below is a few sample highlighting type of POP installations - Airbus have a large POP installed in Toulouse the operate military customers like Nato across Inmarsat, Iridium, Thuraya and more - Addvalue have in New York got a POP installed for Inmarsat IDRS to handle example spy satellite connectivity.

Airbus Defense
Satellite universal Data POP + Satellite Business Environment
Airbus are today running a long range of business critical services as well as a long list of military customers across Europe including Nato.
A lot o the communication for these high profile customers are taking place through satellites – across a swift range of satellite network service providers like Inmarsat, Iridium, Intelsat, Eutelsat, Thuraya as well as traditional ground based systems like 4G – LTE – 5G.
Data from the different satellites as well as authentication and IP handling where needed demand a ground POP including Inmarsat POP for Inmarsat I4 services (BGAN – FBB – SBB – GSPS – M2M – LINK – PTT) as well as Inmarsat GX (LX – JX – FX – GX – G2X) .
Satellite POP Environment
Mobilware have delivered and integrated a major satellite data POP environment for Airbus that integrate across Inmarsat I4, Inmarsat GX, Iridium, Thuraya and is an open POP environment that are build to handle Intelsat Flex, 4G – LTE data authentication and routing.
The installed POP environment is based on very large Juniper Infrastructure that are operating in a fully redundant setup that can scale to basically any demand needed.
POP Radius Authentication
Redundant radius servers that handle terminal / sim card authentication and assign IP address profile to a given session based on IMSI numbers or username/password. Radius servers implemented in fully redundant mode as two standalone radius servers that get provisioned directly through POP managers. A single terminal can get assigned upto 11 IP addresses across private as well as dynamic addresses – and based on static or dynamic IP addresses all handled through IPAM server also implemented in POP environment.
POP Firewall Capabilities
Firewalls are based on Juniper SRX best in class – implemented in a fully redundant setup with all the possible added modules that allow deep package inspection, traffic analysis, – global firewall handling as well as providing individual satellite terminal firewall capability for each single terminal.
IPAM Server – IP management
IP address management is handled through IPAM server than offer highly advanced IP management – it is able to optimise the use of assigned IP groups based on the number of IP addresses and subnet.
IPAM server handle together with pop manager IP inventory across
POP Manager
POP Manager handle connectivity between our satellite business environment and the POP functionalities across provisioning of radius servers, IPAM servers, firewall profiles per terminal and management of the installed value added services like WAN acceleration of riverbed or steel headed services. POP Managers are installed in a fully redundant setup.
Satellite Business Environment
All provisioning, billing, monitoring, support are fully based on our satellite business environment Unity that offer end to end management across basically any of the installed satellite services across Iridium, Inmarsat, Thuraya etc.
Unity offer the most advanced satellite business environment on the market that allow role based handling – user management, terminal management – all in multi language and easy to use setup.
A single uniform provisioning & convergen billing
All satellite services across the different satellite network operators are fully integrated into a single uniform satellite business environment – a single web environment, a single API, a single invoice etc.
Addvalue Technologies
Inmarsat I4 IDRS POP + Satellite Business Environment
IDRS enable Low Orbit satellite like example spy satellites to constantly stay online with the ground using geo stationary satellites .
Mobilware have delivered all ground infrastructure that handle IDRS terminal authentication, IP assignments, routing, firewall handling, VPN tunneling, BGP handling in a fully redundant architecture.
Our satellite business environment manage all provisioning, biling, monitoring and supervision in a highly secure way where data are fully encrypted.
Inmarsat IDRS
Small Low Orbit Satellites LEO) have been limited by the short ground station overpass time (around ten minutes per overpass when parsing example USA). This have limired dramatically the number of images that a spy satellite have been able to transfer to the ground. LEO satellites are moving much faster than the earth making it difficult to use for real-time equipment and M2M installations.
The limited overpass time causes satellites to store and prioritize large amounts of data, until they can be transferred to a ground station and in the case of spy satellite images can the delay in delivery be critically.
It is here IDRS is fitting in – simply equipping LEO satellites with a satellite terminal that transmit up to a geo stationary satellite – through which data can be send to the ground all the time.
IDRS Ground POP Environment
Mobilware have basically build the ground infrastructure that today receive and route all IDRS data traffic to the owners or users of the equipped LEO satellites. Environment have redundant fiber connections to Inmarsat satellite ground station – Redundant Juniper Firewalls – Advanced routing capability + Redundant Fiber to Internet with BGP failover – Advanced VPN capability – Redundant Radius authentication – IPAM server functionality that handle all IP functionality.
IDRS is also managed fully through our satellite business environment that offer highly secure provisioning, billing, monitoring, supervision and full firewall management from a centralised location.
IDRS POP environment are fully integrated with satellite business environment using our POP Manager that also is implemented in a fully redundant setup.
IDRS in technical terms
Inmarsat IDRS is a special part of the existing Inmarsat L-band (BGAN) system that offer real-time connectivity to LEO Satellites installed with IDRS terminals. Addvalue have developed a dedicated satellite terminal and subsequently launched a 6-U cube satellite with the satellite communication terminal as the payload in December 2015 to start 14 months of in-orbit technical feasibility and proof of concept demonstration. The technical trial was a complete success and Addvalue is selling IDRS solutions to LEO satellite owners that is launching new satellites.
LEO satellites equipped with a IDRS terminal can now send its data to one of the three geo stationary Inmarsat satellites and in this way stay connected 24/7 – allowing a lot of extra data to be transfered when needed. The Inmarsat I4 satellites relay data through Inmarsat ground stations to our POP environment that facilitate a highly secure connection to the end users equipment.
More and more LEO satellites will over the coming years be launched – linked to the lower cost compared to geo stationary satellites – these LEO satellites can offer a broad set of services like especially for IoT based equipment transfereing measurement data and similar.

Cobham POP
Navarino POP
Speedcast POP
Established Cobham POP in Amsterdam based on Cisco equipment to handle Inmarsat BGAN, FBB and GSPS traffic.
Supporting Navarino in establishing their Juniper based POP environment and integrated our POP manager to handle IP management.
Supporting Speedcast in establish their Inmarsat POP environment across Radius and Firewall implementation.