Inmarsat GX Assurance

GX Assurance Metric

Unity offer ability to capture and analyse Inmarsat GX Assurandata across the 88 different metrics that are generated for each data channel on a Inmarsat GX terminal. The amount of data across vessels, airplanes and land based terminals are very large so data are pushed into a data farm based on Elasticsearch nodes.

On top of this have we build a dedicated API that allow Unity to present the data in real time in graphs, in listings, in reports – like directly into SAP crystal reports.

Assurance data the new critical data component needed to generate traffic views, monitor quality of the delivered service, see on a map where the terminals move around.

Inmarsat Assurance Data

Inmarsat GX offer a large range of data metric that is mapped to terminal altitude, location, temperature, quality of the signal and much more. Data are produced periodically and some data produced linked to the traffic floating through the terminal.

Inmarsat GX don’t produce CDR’s – But can be generated

Inmarsat GX terminals don’t produce CDR files for data traffic – it is only voice traffic that produce dedicated CDR files on a GX terminal. But terminals airtime are sold in packages with a given amount of included traffic – linked to subscription fee associated. That mean if this is used will a higher package automatically be triggered – to prevent unwanted charging issues is Unity collecting metrics directly from IDirect using APIGEE API that show data traffic up and down for every single channel, that allow Unity to generate the missing traffic CDR’s, to monitor data usage and send needed notifications in advance.

Inmarsat GX Terminals

Inmarsat GX terminals cover LX, FX, JX, G2X as well as the standard range of GX terminals – all are they able to be reporting a long range of parameters – it will be parameters linked to terminl, as well as data linked to each single data channel operating on a terminal, on aero and land terminals normally three data channels and on vessels typically 5 data channels.

Intelligent GX Data capture

As their is extrem amount of data to be captured and their is a lot of GX terminals – then is it important the request data from terminals that actually have produced data – this is done by monitoring when terminals are going online and offline. When this is done will data collector start collecting the many metric data – and where they aren’t available as a full data set will the collector keep trying for several hours to featch the data.

Assurance Data Presentation

Captured data can be accessed in many different ways through Unity in a grafical view including listings that can be filtered and exported.

It is also possible to access collected data through integrated tools like Kibana or Grafana for more advanced reports and data extract.


Inmarsat Assurance Metrics

Their is 88 different assurance metrics that is in different groups, terminals associated and data channel associated – to grap the data channel associated metrics will we need to filter data request to only request customer data channel relevant data.

Inmarsat GX have special Inmarsat monitoring data channels, regulative data channels and then customer data channels also called SSPC channels.

Inmarsat GX Assurance API

We have impålemented basically all the API calls to grap remote data captured from terminals as well as the real time terminal events that can be used for advanced troubleshooting.

L3Harris GX Reports

Our platform are collecting all L3Harris Inmarsat GX assurance data to keep track of when a given airplane is in the air – and when communication is used in the aircrafts will we capture all associated terminal data and make these available in our Elasticsearch cluster nodes.

Reports are then generated periodically linked to requested data views and access to any captured terminal data are directly available in frontend interfaces in custimized graphs for the end customers.

Integrated Data view

Collected data can at any time be viewed or exported, the user simply just select the time range needed to be viewer and it will almost instant be displayed.

Inmarsat operate with Gold, Silver and Bronce packages, this relate to how long time they will keep terminal data available – linked to the large number of terminals in their network do they need to limit the time stored – even gold level don’t store data for long time.

In Unity will data be stored for minimum 2 years.

Real time Reports directly from IDirect

Select what metric is wanted and then simply send request back to Unity – following will Unity generate an Excel file with the requested data that allow the user to analyse in details using example Excel.

Similar can terminal event reports be generated in realtime – and be presented directly on the screen to allow the user to search and filter needed data.

Terminal Location metrics

Real time reports will transparently send request back to Inmarsat / IDirect and ask them to extract the data – here is the time window limited that can be searched to prevent Inmarsat interface from hanging.

GX Assurance Metric

A part of the metrics deliver location data as well as altitude – these data can be displayed directly on the integrated map engieen.

Click on the dots on the map and get the details about the data behind the plot – users simply select the date range that they want to pull data from and it will then display all the captured location data.